Testing method for color fastness to dry rubbing of mattresses
  • 2024-09-19 18:20:56

The color fastness of mattress textiles to dry rubbing must meet the standard. Color fastness refers to the resistance of the color of the textile to various effects during processing and use. It is a quality indicator used to evaluate whether the product fades.

Poor color fastness will cause the surface color and pattern of the mattress to fade and stain light-colored clothing or bedding. National standards stipulate that the color fastness of mattress fabrics to dry rubbing is level 23. After testing, a total of 7 samples out of 50 samples did not meet the national standard requirements. After testing and testing personnel confirmed, 4 out of 37 spring soft mattress samples were unqualified, with a failure rate of 10.8%. Among 13 pieces of brown fiber elastic mattresses, 3 products were unqualified, with a failure rate of 23.1%.

If the pigment falls off and adheres to human skin, the dye molecules and heavy metal ions may be absorbed by the human body through the skin and harm the health of human skin.

The resistance of a textile color to various effects during processing and use. The fastness grade is evaluated based on the discoloration of the sample and the staining of the undyed backing fabric. Textile color fastness testing is a routine testing item in the intrinsic quality testing of textiles.

Dry/wet rubbing color fastness testing is based on measuring the impact of fabrics on the color fastness of fabrics after long-term friction with each other or with other objects during wearing or use. It is also an important testing item in color fastness.

Rubbing color fastness method:

Under specified conditions, place a piece of white rubbing cloth on the sample to be tested and rub it back and forth to transfer the color to the white rubbing cloth. In this case, the color fastness level can be evaluated by comparing it with the stained gray card.

Evaluation of color fastness to rubbing:

After the textile test sample is removed from the electric rubbing color fastness tester, it is rated with the standard staining and fading gray card under a standard light source light box. Level 5 has no color difference, level 1 has serious color difference. For accurate ratings, please contact the relevant technical personnel of our company.


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